Unable to Load the trained Model for OpenNMT lua server



As there is no trained OpenNMT-lua models from german to english, I had trained the model using the data from the link: git clone https://github.com/OpenNMT/OpenNMT. SInce it is from german to english, I had used tgt related files for src and src related file for tgt. After training the models in 13 epoch, I get the following error message when running the server at a different port.
**administrator@:~/OpenNMT/Server/OpenNMT$ sudo docker run -v $PWD/data:/data -p 7785:7785 --entrypoint th opennmt/opennmt:latest tools/rest_translation_server.lua -host -model data/demo-model-de-en_epoch11_522.73.t7 -mode aggressive -segment_case -joiner_annotate **
tput: No value for $TERM and no -T specified
rest_translation_server.lua: invalid argument for option -model: if set, the file must exist
Try ‘rest_translation_server.lua -h’ for more information, or browse the documentation in the docs/ directory.

I am unable to understand why it says that the file must exists

Please assist me in resolving this concern. Could someone please assist me in resolving this as early as possible?

Thank You,

Maybe /data/demo-model-de-en_epoch11_522.73.t7 instead?


Server started loading the model correctly…but the response is incorrect .

I had used the src files used for english to german as tgt files and vice-versa while creating a model for german to english.
did that created the above concern ?

Thank You,