Hi, when I processed some corpus, I found many words were sticked together. e.g. 'otherdangerousmeanstosabotagefactories ’ ,there are so many cases like below that I can not split it one by one,
Is there any tool to solve these problems?
Thanks very much!!!
Article105.Whoever setsfires , breachesdikes , causes explosionsoruses otherdangerousmeanstosabotagefactories , mines , oilfields , harbours , rivers , water sources , warehouses , dwellings , forests , farms , threshing grounds , pastures , important pipelines , public buildings or other publicorprivatepropertyand thereby endangers publicsecurity , if serious consequences have not yet resulted , shallbesentencedto fixedtermimprisonment of not less than three years and not more than ten years .
Article 106 . Whoever sets fires , breaches dikes , causes explosions , spreads poisons or uses otherdangerous techniques resultingin serious humaninjureor death or great loss of public or privatepropertyshallbe sentencedtofixedtermimprisonmentof notlessthan ten years , life imprisonment or death . Whoever negligently commitsthecrime mentioned in the preceding paragraphshall be sentenced to fixedterm imprisonment of not more than seven years or criminal detention .
Article 107 . Whoever sabotages trains , motor vehicles , trams , shipsoraircraft inamannerthatissufficient to put trains , motorvehicles , trams , shipsoraircraftin danger of overturning or being destroyed , ifseriousconsequenceshave not yet resulted , shall be sentenced to fixedtermimprisonmentof not less than three years and not more than ten years .
Article 108 . Whoever sabotages railroads , bridges , tunnels , highways , airports , waterways , lighthousesorsignsorconducts other damagingactivities in amannerthat is sufficient to put trains , motorvehicles , trams , ships or aircraft in danger of overturningorbeingdestroyed , if serious consequences havenot yet resulted , shall besentencedto fixedtermimprisonmentof not less than three years and not more than ten years .