I’m trying out the latest tensorflow version (until now was running an older TF one, from a month ago) and I keep on having the same issues with a larger dataset than toy-ende:
2018-02-04 13:11:24.924583: W tensorflow/core/framework/op_kernel.cc:1192] Out of range: Attempted to repeat an empty dataset infinitely.
When I switch back to the older version (a month ago) I don’t get the same error. The dataset I feed is maybe beyond input limits? It’s a 2GB file with 1m samples of max length 512 per sample.
Running the toy-ende works as expected, I only face the issue with other dataset.
maximum_features_length = 60
maximum_labels_length = 10
Getting same results, with the warning with current version of Open NMT, no issue with 1 month old version.
The TF version is 1.4.1 and I didn’t change it.