There has been some discussion for a long time about a standard representation of neural networks, and ONNX
seems to make its way quite fast:
It is actively promoted by Facebook (as a key feature of pytorch 0.4) AWS (through MXNet) and Microsoft and will, for instance, allow importing a neural model to Caffe2 or converting to Core ML which is the machine learning framework in iOS devices - and there is huge ecosystem with many large and smaller players around and compilers/backends taking an ONNX
model and proposing simple and optimized inference environment. Tensorflow is not openly supporting the project, but there are some conversion tools between TensorFlow models and ONNX (
There is a catch though, ONNX
is (for the moment) used to represent the architecture of the neural network with a simplified set of “operators”, but it does not cover all the logic necessary for a translation, preprocessing, recurrent connection between the different components of a neural network, the beam search, etc… So it is not completely magic, and we still need a bit of engineering and code around.
In the current framework competition, ONNX seems to be going into a good direction - ideally, we can dream about using the format to transfer a pre-trained model in OpenNMT
lua to OpenNMT-py
or to export a model and compile it to run on a totally different infrastructure.
I am interested in digging more in that, especially for OpenNMT - and I have created a converter from lua to onnx if you are interested in: