I started with OpenNMT and I follow the quickstart in the documentation. All the demo files are available, I start the training with
th train.lua -data data/demo-train.t7 -save_model demo-model
It runs a long time. After finish I want to start to translate the file as descriped in the Quickstart.
th translate.lua -model demo-model_epochX_PPL.t7 -src data/src-test.txt -output pred.txt
Now my problem is the file demo-model_epochX_PPL.t7. It is not on my Computer. I have 13 files like demo-model_epoch1_4863.50.t7,…, demo-model_epoch13_943.20.t7
I can start the translation with demo-model_epoch13_943.20.t7, but the result in pred.txt is senseless.
I can’t see any mistake on my side. Do you have an idea how to get the file demo-model_epochX_PPL.t7