My question is “Could you help me to make “pip install pyonmttok” work on Windows 10, please…”. Below is the situation:
I am trying to run opennmt-tf on Windows 10, and I want to use tokenization on the fly.
However, import pyonmttok in opennmt/tokenizers/ and opennmt/tokenizers/ failed.
I tried “pip install pyonmttok”, and it failed. So I found these include files, but eventually it still faied, because there is no opennmttokenizer_export.h for the line #include “onmt/opennmttokenizer_export.h” in those files like “SubwordEncoder.h”.
After using CMake, I can obtain onmt/opennmttokenizer_export.h. But when I tried “pip install pyonmttok” again, it showed:
LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file ‘boost_python36.lib’.
I can’t find boost_python36.lib, so I tried to copy a python36.lib and rename it as boost_python36.lib (I know it is not working this way, but I just wonder what happens), it shows
LINK : fatal error LNK1181: cannot open input file ‘OpenNMTTokenizer.lib’