I was considering add extension to the current OpenNMT for my research regarding generation/summarization, such as the copy mechanism (https://arxiv.org/pdf/1603.06393.pdf). I wonder if it is easy to add on top of the current openNMT system (and how?), or should I try some other frameworks (Theano or Tensorflow)?
BTW, the current system works pretty well on my task, compared with the Tensorflow seq2seq (without attention mechanism and beam search decoding), I wonder whether it’s because of the already fine-tuned hyper-parameters and architecture of the openNMT system.
We personally like it a lot better than other frameworks The Tensorflow seq2seq system is quite simple and is missing a lot of opennmt’s features.
We don’t have copy mechanism implemented yet, but we would love to add it. There has been informal discussion about this and other similar copy papers.