I want to run in gpu but actually it runs in cpu

Hi, everyone! I want to run my progaram in gpu, but it runs in cpu.
my command just like this:
python train.py -data data/${dataset}/${dataset}
-save_model experiments/checkpoints/${dataset}/${dataset}_model
-seed 42 -world_size 4 -gpu_ranks 0 1 2 3 -save_checkpoint_steps 10000
-keep_checkpoint 20 -train_steps 500000 -param_init 0 -param_init_glorot
-max_generator_batches 32 -batch_size 4096 -batch_type tokens -normalization tokens
-max_grad_norm 0 -accum_count 4 -optim adam -adam_beta1 0.9 -adam_beta2 0.998
-decay_method noam -warmup_steps 8000 -learning_rate 2 -label_smoothing 0.0
-report_every 1000 -layers 4 -rnn_size 256 -word_vec_size 256 -encoder_type transformer
-decoder_type transformer -dropout 0.1 -position_encoding -share_embeddings
-global_attention general -global_attention_function softmax
-self_attn_type scaled-dot -heads 8 -transformer_ff 2048

I make “-world_size 4 -gpu_ranks 0 1 2 3”
but when i use “nvidia-smi”, i find the gpu does not work.

Thanks in advance!

I had some difficulty switching from cpu to gpu, and this post helped: https://www.alibabacloud.com/tech-news/gpu/8k-pytorch-view-gpu-cuda-version#:~:text=The%20first%20step%20in%20viewing,of%20the%20installed%20PyTorch%20library.