Handle numbers, urls, dates


I’ve build an NMT model which is working pretty well. However, it seems it is having some trouble when dealing with numbers. It changes numbers, which can lead to a total change in meaning of a sentence (ex: quantities, dates…). URLs are also another issue, as it tries to translate them.
How can I deal with these issues?


Hi @anderleich,
it is not a trivial issue to handle urls and numbers.
There are some posts in the forum that try to answer this problem. In short, the key is to use placeholders to handle the translation of these ‘tricky’ words, but recall that you should use them in training also.

You can find some of them below:


My success (or failure) with numbers - particularly English numbers being translated into other languages - seems to have been linked to different model configurations. Unfortunately I have not documented which models produce the best results.