Finetuning with the new version OpenNMT-py v2.0

Yes, because when averaging all the optimizer components are removed from the checkpoint.

So, maybe, it is not the best checkpoint to train from? As we lose optimizer’s information

Should get back on track fairly quickly.

Thanks! I really appreciate your help

Hi again,

Can we finetune with a different vocabular? Does it randomly initialize new words’ embeddings?

The case is not explicitly handled (yet) in OpenNMT-py.
Technically you could ‘update’ the vocabulary of an existing model and finetune from there. You would indeed need to initialize some parameters of the model for the new tokens.

It would be nice to add this as a standalone script. Let us know if you would like to contribute and need pointers to get started.

What if I rerun onmt_build_vocab and then use the train_from flag? Am I expected to get an error?

To train a model, you need a vocab. Because parameters of the network are tied to a specific input/output index corresponding to a word/token. So, an existing model has a fixed vocab, in the sense that it expects a range of indices in input, and produces a range of indices in output.
You can technically pass a new vocab when using train_from. But your vocab will probably not be the same size and produce an error. And, if the vocab is the same size, the indices will probably not match so the model won’t train properly. (E.g. the index for “banana” would now be the index for “beach”, and your model would have to learn everything again.)

Note that build_vocab is merely a helper tool to prepare a vocab (basically a list of words/tokens), but the vocab passed to train could be built by any other tool as long as it’s in the proper format.

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Thanks. That was really clarifying, I suspected it would be so but I wanted to be sure.

When finetuning on a new domain my approach is to use weighted corpora in training and a mix of in domain and out domain corpora for evaluation:

  • Training data: out of domain (60%) and in domain (40%)
  • Evaluation data: out of domain (50%) and in domain (50%)

During the training process, BLEU keeps improving on the evaluation set:

Just to see what’s going on with the test, I periodically test the model on in domain data. What I noticed is that it seems to have in domain kwonledge until some point in the training which improves the baseline. However, from that point, even if the model improves BLEU on development data the model starts performing worse on in domain test. Any clues why I get this behaviour? Is it because I have out of domain data in the evaluation set? It happens with different percentages of weighted training data…


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use weighted corpora in training

Do you use the weight attributes in the training configuration or do you build your dataset beforehand by aggregating in-domain/out-of-domain data?

I use weights:

              weight: 6
             weight: 4

Ok so there is no shuffling issue.
I don’t really know what might be happening here. Maybe your in-domain test set is not representative of your in-domain train data (or the opposite). Did you try weighting your in-domain dataset even more (like out-domain 1 and in-domain 10)?

My in-domain test is a subset of the in-domain training data. I should try 1-10 weights to see its behaviour.


Hi @francoishernandez,

You mentioned it would be nice to add new tokens in vocabulary as a standalone script. Do you mena something similar to Apply transforms to the new corpus and update src and tgt counters and the crresponding vocabulary files?

I’m interested in implementing this feature.

EDIT: I’ve edited with minimal changes to accept a new argument --update_vocab to update existing vocabulary files with new corpora. I still need to edit the training scripts.


No, I meant this on the checkpoint level. Meaning we would convert a checkpoint trained on a set vocabulary to the same one but with a potentially different vocab.
This would require some manipulation of the model/optim parameters themselves.

Mmm, I see. So it is not required to update src and tgt vocab files? Aren’t they needed to set the known tokens? All tokens out of those files will be <unk>?
Can you give some pointers for the checkpoint manipulation?

Of course src and tgt vocab should be updated, but that’s quite trivial since the whole idea here is to update your vocab, so you’re supposed to know how you want to update it.

Here are a few pointers to what would be required:

  • add the new tokens to the torchtext fields/vocab objects, retaining the original ids of existing tokens;
  • create a new model with the new vocab dimensions (build_base_model);
  • update the new model (and generator) with the older parameters, potentially the optim as well. Inner layers such as encoder/decoder should be transferable ‘as is’, but embeddings and generator layers would require some attention.
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I think I’ve managed to get the first point (extending existing vocabularies via Torch vocab.extend()). However, I cannot find where are the vocab dimensions in the checkpoint and where should I modify them. In the build_base_model:

# Load the model states from checkpoint or initialize them.
    if checkpoint is not None:
        # This preserves backward-compat for models using customed layernorm
        def fix_key(s):
            s = re.sub(r'(.*)\.layer_norm((_\d+)?)\.b_2',
                       r'\1.layer_norm\2.bias', s)
            s = re.sub(r'(.*)\.layer_norm((_\d+)?)\.a_2',
                       r'\1.layer_norm\2.weight', s)
            return s

        **checkpoint['model'] = {fix_key(k): v**
**                               for k, v in checkpoint['model'].items()}**
        # end of patch for backward compatibility

        model.load_state_dict(checkpoint['model'], strict=False)
        generator.load_state_dict(checkpoint['generator'], strict=False)

I guess it is here where the checkpoint is loaded. Where are the vocabulary dimensions?

The vocab dimensions should only intervene in the embeddings as well as the generator.
I think if you naively update the vocab and pass a checkpoint with the old vocab you might encounter some dimension mismatch when loading the state_dicts in the section you quote.
What you probably want to do is to model.load_state_dict of only encoder and decoder layers (pop the embeddings related keys of your checkpoint['model']).
And then partially replace the embeddings parameters of your model (where the vocab matches), as well as those of the generator.

This is what I’ve done so far:

Extend model vocabulary with new words, appending new words at the end:

Old vocab: word1 word2 word3
New vocab: word1 word3 word4
Extended vocab: word1 word2 word3 + word4

New model’s embeddings are initialized as always, so update those embeddings with embeddings learned in checkpoint:

if model_opt.update_embeddings:
            old_enc_emb_size = checkpoint["model"]["encoder.embeddings.make_embedding.emb_luts.0.weight"].shape[0]
            old_dec_emb_size = checkpoint["model"]["decoder.embeddings.make_embedding.emb_luts.0.weight"].shape[0]
            model.state_dict()["encoder.embeddings.make_embedding.emb_luts.0.weight"][:old_enc_emb_size] = checkpoint["model"]["encoder.embeddings.make_embedding.emb_luts.0.weight"][:]
            model.state_dict()["decoder.embeddings.make_embedding.emb_luts.0.weight"][:old_dec_emb_size] = checkpoint["model"]["decoder.embeddings.make_embedding.emb_luts.0.weight"][:]
            generator.state_dict()["0.weight"][:old_dec_emb_size] = checkpoint["generator"]["0.weight"][:]
            generator.state_dict()["0.bias"][:old_dec_emb_size] = checkpoint["generator"]["0.bias"]
            del checkpoint["model"]["encoder.embeddings.make_embedding.emb_luts.0.weight"]
            del checkpoint["model"]["decoder.embeddings.make_embedding.emb_luts.0.weight"]
            del checkpoint["generator"]["0.weight"]
            del checkpoint["generator"]["0.bias"]
model.load_state_dict(checkpoint['model'], strict=False)
generator.load_state_dict(checkpoint['generator'], strict=False)

The code above assumes embedding lookup tables have the same order, as new words were appended to vocabulary:

Old embeddings: word1 (0, learned), word2 (1, learned), word3 (2, learned)
New embeddings: word1 (0, learned), word2 (1, learned), word3(2, learned), word4 (3, initialized as always)

Does this make sense?