I am currently working on an Abkhazian-Russian opennmt.py model, which will be available as an open source once it’s in a usable state.
Is there an open source platform similar to https://www.apertium.org, where I can simply deploy the model and make it available for usage, as well as update the model periodically?
This is for “deploy”. As for “update”, it is something to do with OpenNMT-py itself. Search the forum for things like “retraining” and “incremental training”.
Hello Yasmin,
I meant it would be nice to have an open source platform, a fully fledged service such as apertium, where people can deploy their models there, and be able to update the model with a better version once available.
I am a ware of the links that you have shared, I am using the GUI for the time being, appreciated!
I’m not sure if this is exactly what you’re looking for but I’ve been working on a Python Tkinter GUI for running OpenNMT models. Currently it looks for models in a directory so its pretty easy to install your own arbitrary models. Right now I’m focusing on getting enough models trained to have a usable application but I’d like to add a more robust packaging system at some point in the future.
Hello Argos,
Thank you for the link.
I’m looking for a platform that is already hosted so someone would just train a model upload the model and that’s it.
I didn’t find such a thing for NMT models, so I started working on a GUI, currently using Angular 10. @Bachstelze and I are currently working on an open source project including creating tools to preprocess corpuses, training models and deploying them.
Here are some links: