(Geonmin Kim)
March 6, 2017, 7:09am
I am planning to change training criteria for Seq2Seq model.
For example, GAN would be one example. In this scenario, Seq2Seq (=Generator) model is trained towards maximizing Discriminator’s output.
Is there any example tutorial/recipes related to changing model’s training criteria?
If not, could you tell me which files are related source files?
I really appreciate any comments
The current training criterion is defined in this file:
Define parallel ClassNLLCriterion.
local ParallelClassNLLCriterion, parent = torch.class('onmt.ParallelClassNLLCriterion', 'nn.ParallelCriterion')
function ParallelClassNLLCriterion:__init(outputSizes)
parent.__init(self, false)
for i = 1, #outputSizes do
local nll = self:_addCriterion(outputSizes[i])
if i == 1 then self.mainCriterion = nll end
function ParallelClassNLLCriterion:_addCriterion(size)
-- Ignores padding value.
local w = torch.ones(size)
w[onmt.Constants.PAD] = 0
local nll = nn.ClassNLLCriterion(w)
This file has been truncated. show original
and used in the Seq2Seq model here:
structural = 0
'-pre_word_vecs_enc', '',
[[Path to pretrained word embeddings on the encoder side serialized as a Torch tensor.]],
valid = onmt.utils.ExtendedCmdLine.fileNullOrExists,
init_only = true
'-pre_word_vecs_dec', '',
[[Path to pretrained word embeddings on the decoder side serialized as a Torch tensor.]],
valid = onmt.utils.ExtendedCmdLine.fileNullOrExists,
init_only = true
'-fix_word_vecs_enc', false,
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