Batch size =0 failed (timeout)


I’m getting an error with Batch size =0. it’s keep timing out and I’m not sure of the reason.

I’m stretching the features of Opennmt by trying to do a multilang model with 65 different languages.

In my YAML file, I’m providing the list of files for all possible combination so: n*(n-1) = 65*(64) = 4160 and I have the corresponding weight for each one of them.

This is working great when I have 5 languages, but I cant seem to get it to work with 64.

Could having so many files make the batch size timeout?

Best regards,

If it ever happen to anyone, my problem was that few weight were 0. I was rounding them and when they were to small they were rounded at 0.

If your maximum_labels_length, maximum_features_length or maximum_decoding_length = 0 you could get that same error.

Best regards,