AttributeError: 'TransformerDecoder' object has no attribute 'self_attn'

Hi, I have trained a transformer model for NMT with the following options:

-layers 6 
-src_word_vec_size 512 
-tgt_word_vec_size 512 
-encoder_type transformer 
-decoder_type transformer 
-heads 8 
-transformer_ff 2048 
-rnn_size 512 
-max_generator_batches 2 
-gpu_ranks 0 1 
-world_size 2 
-batch_size 2048 
-batch_type tokens 
-normalization tokens 
-accum_count 2 
-optim adam 
-adam_beta2 0.998 
-decay_method noam 
-warmup_steps 8000 
-learning_rate 2 
-max_grad_norm 0 
-param_init 0 
-label_smoothing 0.1 
-valid_steps 100000 
-save_checkpoint_steps 100000 
-train_steps 3100000000 
-dropout 0.3 
-learning_rate_decay .5 
-start_decay_steps 3042444 
-decay_steps 3042444

but when I want to use the model for translation with the following options:

-beam_size 3 
-max_length 125 
-batch_size 30 
-n_best 1 
-gpu 1

I got this error:

AttributeError: 'TransformerDecoder' object has no attribute 'self_attn'

Do you have any idea?


Do you have the latest version of the code?

No, I think I am using the version 7db9d825f1a405ae33299b604f14967663d14768.