About input_feed

I am looking into the code about(Previous version harvardnlp/seq2seq-attn)
local out = decoder_clones[t]:forward(decoder_input) local out_pred_idx = #out local next_state = {} table.insert(preds, out[out_pred_idx]) if opt.input_feed == 1 then table.insert(next_state, out[out_pred_idx]) end for j = 1, out_pred_idx-1 do table.insert(next_state, out[j]) end rnn_state_dec[t] = next_state end

Here is the details of input_feed.
’-input_feed’, true,
[[Feed the context vector at each time step as additional input]]

I have a question that, the code about input_feed ,
table.insert(next_state, out[out_pred_idx])
means the current time step attentional vector is fed as inputs to the next time steps?
and the
table.insert(next_state, out[j])
means the previous time steps attentional vectors are fed as inputs to the next time steps?
But if the input_feed= False, why only the previous time steps attentional vectors are fed as inputs to the next time steps?

This is correct.

The following loop:

for j = 1, out_pred_idx-1 do
  table.insert(next_state, out[j])

actually prepares the next states of the LSTM, namely the cell and hidden states of each layer.

Thank you for reply.

Is the out means the attentional hidden state (vectors) ?
So the the current time step attentional vector out[out_pred_idx] is the source-side context vector.
The previous time steps attentional vectors are the target hidden state.
There is a simple concatenation layer to combine the information from both target hidden state and source-side context vector to produce an attentional hidden state out.
In the past ,we only use the previous time steps attentional vectors.
In this Input-feeding Approach, we use the the source-side context vector as inputs to the next time steps, in other words, the whole attentional vectors(in the code).

out is the output of the decoder at the current timesteps. It contains all the LSTM states (cell + hidden of each layer) and the output of the attention layer which is the “context vector”.

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Thank you for your patience.
I got it wrong.
And now I know that the out is the concatenation of Ct and ht ,from the image in that paper.

One more question,
In the line 459 , decoder_clones[t]:training()
the model training.
Then in the line 466, local out = decoder_clones[t]:forward(decoder_input),got the output of the decoder.
Could you confirm my understanding?

Your understanding sounds correct.

Note that this line:


only puts the decoder in “training” mode and does not compute anything.

I think I get it.
Thank you very much!