Noise Contrastive Estimation for Machine Translation

When training a model with a large vocabulary (e.g. 100k words), the bottleneck for the training speed is the estimation of the softmax layer. This has been extensively described in literature and @vince62s was requesting for quite some time that we experiment on alternative approaches for the generation layer. As a reminder time spent in each module can be profiled using OpenNMT with -profiler option.

Jean et al. in On Using Very Large Target Vocabulary for Neural Machine Translation propose use of importance sampling and show that it accelerates significantly training and reach close to state of the art performance.

The following page describes also very well the problematic and the different approaches for speeding up or replacing softmax layer:

We report here some preliminary results with OpenNMT using Noise Contrastive Estimation module as implemented in the excellent torch dpnn library.

For the experiment, the training corpus is OpenNMT enfr baseline 1M corpus, tokenized with -joiner_annotate and we keep a vocabulary size of 100k (source and target). We report the training perplexity for a sequence of configurations with default OpenNMT parameters (simple rnn, 2 layers, 500 rnn_size, 500 word_vec_size, 13 epochs, SGD, start decay at 9 epochs):

  • full: the full softmax training
  • nceN*13: 13 epochs of NCE training with sample size N
  • nceN*n-full or full*n-nceN: mix of NCE for the first n epochs then switch to full softmax (or the reverse)

The following graph show the (time,perplexity) graph. Each marker is corresponding to one epoch. Dotted lines show when a change of generator happens. Several training have been made for all configurations, but we only show an average one. Perplexity calculation is done using full softmax so can be compared between NCE and full softmax configurations.

In short the conclusions are:

  • Speed of NCE based training does not really depend on the sample size (at least with sample size between 25 and 4096) - and use of NCE more than double the speed of the training
  • NCE 4096-8192 arrive to about the same PPL at the end of the training
  • Even if PPL reaches ~4 for best performing NCE configuration at about half of the time need for full softmax, no NCE based configuration manages to get final perplexity as low as full softmax final perplexity in 13 epochs (more epochs might reach the point)
  • Starting with NCE for the first half of the training then switching to full softmax is not very far to the full softmax
  • Doing the reverse is giving very bad results due to a huge PPL raise at the first step of the transition

Feel free to share your thoughts on this topic!


On another similar training set I got 3.49 vs 3.25 PPL (NCE8192 vs full softmax) and a BLEU slight degradation 27.07 vs 27.49

Thanks !

EDIT: On the same test set as you 3.93 (NCE8192) vs 3.46 (Full softmax)
but BLEU 28.26 vs 29.91
Also I did not get a "double speed"
One epoch was 53 minutes in NCE 8192 and 1hour 8 minutes for full softmax.

EDIT2: indeed my vocab size was only 50K, explains the speed difference.

I just get an idea to speed up a training. I neither know if this has been tested, nor if this is easy to get : for each training sample, evaluate if the output would be a perfect translation, and don’t back-propagate on these perfect translated samples.

The main idea is : in my test, it seems that after very few epochs, a large part of the training set is perfectly translated. The training is thus involving a large part of resources, just to confirm what is already well learned.

Removing the perfect translations from back-propagation, could also prevent from overfitting.

Hi @vince62s, how big was your vocabulary? I will also add the score differences. Thanks

@Etienne38, what you propose is close to perplexity-based sampling strategy:

I don’t have speed-up numbers but this would be interesting to test.

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